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AMA Member Resources

Being an AMA member grants you access to numerous resources, such as resume templates, Intercollegiate Transfer (ICT) information, internship opportunities, and so much more!
To become an official member of AMA, you must pay your dues. For any questions on dues message 


Need help creating a stellar resume? Don't know how to prepare for an interview? These resources can help! From professional resume templates to guidance on optimizing your LinkedIn profile, this module is designed to enhance your chances of getting your desired internship or job opportunity. 



Discovered you want to transfer into another college but don't know where to start? Does the ICT process seem overwhelming? Luckily, AMA has many members who have gone through the ICT process. Drawing on their experiences, these members have created valuable resources to help you transfer into your dream college.



Did you know as a University of Illinois student you have access to numerous free software and programs? Many of these are skills highly sought after by employers. In this module, there will be a list of all free software and detailed instructions on how to download them.

Information About Meetings

General meetings take place every Tuesday at 6 pm in Wohler's Hall in room 141. 
Marketing committee and consulting committee meet every other Tuesday directly after the general meeting at 7pm.
Meeting times are subject to change.

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